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April 2021: Virtual Brag Table Results
Submit to next month’s brag table for boasting rights, judge feedback, and club bucks!
Just send in your name, your plant’s scientific name, a photo, your category (cacti or succulent, up to 2 plants per category) and your rank (novice= <10 wins, intermediate= 10+ wins, advanced= pro grower) by May 23rd, 2021.
To enter, email your entries with the subject line “Brag Table” to the editor at:
Special Thanks:
For showing your beautiful specimens!
Dean Karras as digital plant arbiter / commenter!
37 Specimens: 12 cactus & 23 succulents
17 Members
Cactus Advanced
1st Place:
Astrophytum myriostigma fm. quadricoststum
Pam Badger
"Clean and full. These quadricostatum times can be tough to grow as they are prone to splitting if pushed too hard. Well done!"
2nd Place:
Echinocereus richenbachii
Mike Burkhardt
"Gorgeous plant. It's time for a slightly bigger (and nicer) pot for this beauty."
3rd Place:
Turbinicarpus pseudomacrochele
Mike Burkhardt
"This must be quite an old plant given the species' diminutive size. I think I spot some cactus propagation "gold" hiding on the head/stem not in bloom."
Opuntia microdasys albata
Pam Badger
Cactus Intermediate
1st Place:
Echinocereus fendleri
Norb Roden
"Nice bloom(s), well staged."
2nd Place:
Thelocactus hexaedrophorus var. hexaedrophorus
Allen Clark
"Looks great with some of the longer spines extending past the pot. Some minor scarring on the old growth, but all in all a nicely grown specimen given it's relative size/age."
3rd Place:
Monvillea spegazzinii crest
Norb Roden
"Some of the darker blue tones in the pot's glaze really make the glaucus-teal of the cactus stand out nicely. I love this plant for its tendency to alternate between crested and reverted growth. A bit of sun or cold stress could add some nice purple hues to this plant."
Weingartia trollii
Allen Clark
Cactus Novice
1st Place:
Ferocactus wislizeni
Jodi Visosky
"The plant fills the pot nicely, and the blue pot really makes the red spines and flowers pop. A touch of top-dressing would go a long way in turning this into a perfect show plant."
1st Place:
Mammillaria parkinsonii
Ruth Contino
"Perfectly grown and large in its pot. The unglazed/matte red-on-red pot/top-dressing combo picks up the petal stripes on the flowers nicely while allowing the spines to glisten for textural contrast."
2nd Place:
Astrophytum myriostigma
Karl Almryde
"It's not easy to get so many flowers popping open at once on an Astrophytum."
3rd Place:
Eriosyce senilis
Jodi Visosky
"The uniquely feathery, bi-color flowers make this plant a worthwhile addition to any well-rounded cactus collection."
Succulent Advanced
1st Place:
Sinningia leucotricha
Mike Nelson
Gasteria rawlinsonii
Don Hunt
"Something tells me you have a lot of hummingbirds in your yard. I love the dark colors on this gasteria with the coral pink flowers for contrast."
3rd Place:
Pachypodium brevicaule
Pam Badger
"Nicely grown, however this is really two plants in one pot because it is grafted. Acceptable for brag table, as I was not given any strict judging rules, but it might be disqualified from shows unless entered in a category that explicitly allows grafted plants or more than two plants per pot."
Conophytum fraternum
Mike Burkhardt
Euphorbia platyclada
Pam Badger
Euphorbia supressa hybrid
Mike Burkhardt
Succulent Intermediate
1st Place:
Euphorbia submammillaris var. pfersdorfii
Antonina Lansangan
"Nice and full - might be time to re-pot or propagate soon."
Sempervivum arachnoideum
Norb Roden
"While the choice of pot creates a neat cascade effect for the sempervivum, I think the bright Talavera colors ultimately distract from your plant’s full beauty."
Tylecodon hybrid 'Sunblush' '
Allen Clark
"Looks healthy, but this plant needs some time growing before it becomes truly show-worthy."
Succulent Novice
1st Place:
Euphorbia x japonica
Jared Petker
"Perfectly grown – just hydrated enough for a nice flush of leaves, lots of green stem growth despite corking on the old growth which is typical for this type of Euphorbia."
1st Place:
Agave victoriae-reginae
Regan Harvey
"Flawless, great plant:pot size ratio, nicely staged in a complimentary pot. I recommend removing the pups soon to let the central rosette grow bigger faster for best effect."
Euphorbia gottlebei
Ruth Contino
"This Euphorbia appears to be aspiring to become an Ocotillo. I prefer it leafless, as shown here. This one will only keep getting getting better with age as you get more of a peeling trunk/caudex."
Haworthia truncata hybrid
Patti Nelson
"Nice and chunky. The only thing that would make this plant more attractive is a touch of sun stress/bronze coloration."
2nd Place:
Haworthia truncata hybrid
Patti Nelson
"Nice and chunky. The only thing that would make this plant more attractive is a touch of sun stress/bronze coloration."
3rd Place:
Aloe castilloniae
Patti Nelson
"Well on it's way to becoming a show-stopper - just give it some time to finish filling out."
3rd Place:
Aeonium x loartei
Jodi Visosky
"Full and lush - well done! This is a plant that looks best not hard grown, as it can get spindly with typical succulent-culture "neglect"."
Aeonium canariense virgineum
Jodi Visosky
Dudleya pachyphytum
Lisa Rini
Echeveria 'Cubic Frost'
Regan Harvey
Euphorbia mammillaris
Joan Herskowitz
Euphorbia flanaganii (Medusa's Head)
Jared Petker
Euphorbia sp. "Medusa"
Rudy Reyes
Kalanchoe tomentosa
Rudy Reyes
Sansevieria ballyi
Joan Herskowitz
Aeonium 'Sunbust' crested
Lila Wagar
If you find any error, please contact to correct.
Thank you all for the beautiful specimens!
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