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Note: If you are a new member and have not yet filled out the membership application, please click here.

1 Year Membership, Single Person, E-Mailed Newsletter - $15


2 Year Membership, Single Person, E-Mailed Newsletter- $30


5 Year Membership, Single Person, E-Mailed Newsletter - $75


Lifetime Membership - $ 500.00


Additional Members at Same Address, Each  (per year) - $5


Replacement Membership ID Badge - $3


Replacement Membership Card - $3


Annual Holiday Party - $35 / $38




Newsletter Classified Ad - $8/+$4

Find it or sell it




Newsletter Display Ad - $15 - $120

Ads must be received by the 15th of the month, for publication in the following month’s newsletter. Submit ads via email to the newsletter editor. All ads must be prepaid. SDCSS reserves the right to refuse advertising which is not related to gardening, or if the ad space is filled. For additional information, please email Ad space dimensions are given in inches.


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