Grant Informations
Conservation/Research Grant Guidelines
The San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society (SDCSS) is a non-profit organization whose mission is the appreciation of, learning about and teaching about succulent plants. SDCSS has established a Research Grant program to help facilitate the research and study of succulent plants by its members.
Grant projects must involve cactus and/or succulent plants and be consistent with the SDCSS goal of furthering the understanding of these special plants.
Grants will be in the range of $500 to $1500, and for the duration of one year.
General Requirements
The grantee must be a member in good standing of the SDCSS.
The proposal may be submitted electronically or by paper copy. Please use the Grant Application form for your submittal.
The proposal must state clearly the goals and methods of the project.
A budget must be provided, including details of travel, other expenses, and a schedule of planned expenditures.
The grantee must provide a presentation to a SDCSS general meeting covering the results of the grant research. This requirement is mandatory. Grantees may not apply for further funding until this requirement is fulfilled.
An electronic copy of any publications or presentations that result from the research must be provided to the SDCSS.
Support provided by the SDCSS grant shall be acknowledged in any report, paper and/or presentations derived from the research. For example: “This project was supported by a grant from the San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society."
The SDCSS encourages projects that are co-funded by other organizations as a way to facilitate larger projects. If the grant is co-funded, there must be a clear definition of the portion of the project funded by the SDCSS grant, how it relates to the larger project, and how the SDCSS portion meets these guidelines. If co-funded, the duration of one year may be extended to two years.
Grant Process
Click here to download and fill out the Conservation/Research Grant Application.
Research Grant requests can be submitted by mail to:
P.O. Box 33181
San Diego, CA 92163-3181
or emailed to:
with the subject line:
“Attn: Research Grant Proposal”
Requests will be reviewed by the research committee. The committee will forward the proposal to the SDCSS Board of Directors with the Committee's recommendations. The Board of Directors will approve or deny the proposal.
The grant applicant will be notified by mail/e-mail of the Board's decision within 90 days of proposal receipt.


Gasteria vlokii