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June 2020: Virtual Brag Table Results


Special Thanks:

All the Novices for bringing your beautiful specimens

Kelly Griffin as digital plant arbiter


46 specimens - 17 cactus & 29 succulents

22 members - 12 novices, 8 imtermediates & 2 advanced


Cactus Advanced


1st Place:

Astrophytum capricorne

Dean Karras & Megan Escalona


2nd Place:

Gymnocalycium salglionis 

Pam Badger

3rd Place:

Opuntia sulphurea

Pam Badger

Cactus Intermediate

1st Place:

Astrophytum ornatum

Allen Clark

2nd Place:

Pipe Planter

Norb Roden

2nd Place:

Parodia scopa

Jennifer Harris

3rd Place:

Oreocereus trollii

Jennifer Harris

3rd Place:

Mammillaria spinosissima

Chuck Ramey

Cactus Novice

1st Place:

Schlumbergera gaertneri (Easter Cactus)

Karl Almryde

2nd Place:

Echinobivia x cv. 'Rainbow Bursts'

Olga Batalov

3rd Place:

Pinch Pot Gymnocac

Eileen Mandell

Succulent Advanced

1st Place:

Euphorbia milii hybrid

Pam Badger

2nd Place:

Echeveria minima

Dean Karras & Megan Escalona

3rd Place:

Dudleya greenei

Dean Karras & Megan Escalona

Succulent Intermediate 

1st Place:

Agave victoriae reginae

Christine Vargas

2nd Place:

Tilandsia aeranthos

Antonina Lansangan

3rd Place:

Gasteria variegate

Jennifer Harris

Succulent Novice

1st Place:

Plectranthus ernestii

Joan Herskowitz

2nd Place:

Sansevieria ballyi

Anne-Marie Groves

3rd Place:

Fockea edulis

Joan Herskowitz

The Other Brag Table Beauties

Cactus Intermediate

Allen Clark - Gymnocalycium Baldianum

Chuck Ramey -

Mammillaria bocasana roseiflora

Norb Roden -

Trichocereus hybrid "Flying Sauces"

Richard Ryan -

Gymnocalycium spegazzinii

Cactus Novice

Olga Batalov -

Echinopsis subdenudata 'Dominos'

Whitney Meier -

Astrophytum capricorne var. minor

Succulent Advanced

Pam Badger -

Alluaudia montagnacii

Succulent Intermediate

Jennifer Harris -

Euphorbia mammillaris

May Fong Ho -

Agave victoriae reginae

Antonina Lansangan -


Chuck Ramey -


Chuck Ramey -

Ledebouria socialis


Succulent Novice

Karl Almryde - Haworthia cooperi

Olga Batalov -

Agave parviflora

Olga Batalov -

Haworthia arachnoidea

var. setata

Anne-Marie Groves -

Haworthia fasciata

Mary May -

Gasteria Hybrid

Whitney Meier

Stapelia asterias lucida

Mary May -

Haworthia Hybrid

Mike Perkins -

Echeveria pulvinata 'Ruby Blush'

Wendell Perkins -

Portulacaria afra

f. variegata

Wendell Perkins - Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop'

Mary Tackett -

Crassula 'Campfire'

Lee Talner -

Andromischus triflorus & Senecio stapeliformis

Norm & Linda Swanberg -

Agave attenuata variegata

Mary Walden -

Haworthia fasciata

If you find any error, please contact to correct.

Thank you all for the beautiful specimens!

Copyright © 2025

The San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society

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