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October 2020: Virtual Brag Table Results
Special Thanks:
For showing your beautiful specimens
Don Hunt as digital plant arbiter
42 specimens - 18 cactus & 24 succulents
27 members - 10 novices, 4 imtermediates & 2 advanced
Cactus Advanced
1st Place:
Gymnocalycium saglionis
Dean Karras & Megan Escalona
2nd Place:
Neobuxbaumia euphorbioides crest
Mike Nelson
3rd Place:
Mammillaria lenta
Dean Karras & Megan Escalona
Cactus Intermediate
1st Place:
Astrophytum myriostigma
Allen Clark
2nd Place:
Mammillaria spinosissima
Allen Clark
3rd Place:
Opuntia sulphurea
May Fong Ho
Cactus Novice
1st Place:
Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus elephantidens
Michael Burkhardt
1st Place:
Echinopsis subdenudata
Shouqin Huo
2nd Place:
Thelocactus schwarzii
Michael Burkhardt
2nd Place:
Coryphantha andreae
Jennifer Greene
3rd Place:
Oreocereus doelzianus var. sericatus
Ruth Contino
3rd Place:
Cereus sp. cristata
Patti Nelson
Succulent Advanced
1st Place:
Trichodiadema densum
Dean Karras & Megan Escalona
2nd Place:
Aloe semii
Dean Karras & Megan Escalona
3rd Place:
Agave 'Snow Glow'
Mike Nelson
Succulent Intermediate
1st Place:
Sarcocaulon vanderietiae
Allen Clark
1st Place:
Bowiea volubilis
Antonina Lansangan
2nd Place:
Adromischus schuldtianus
Allen Clark
2nd Place:
Euphorbia susannae
Jennifer Harris
3rd Place:
Euphorbia enopla
Jennifer Harris
3rd Place:
Euphorbia mammillaris variegata
Antonina Lansangan
Succulent Novice
1st Place:
Conophytum cupreatum
Michael Burkhardt
1st Place:
Gerrardanthus macrorhizus
Diana McNeill
2nd Place:
Conophytum fraternum
Michael Burkhardt
2nd Place:
Euphorbia decaryi
Joan Herskowitz
3rd Place:
Euphorbia flanaganii cristata
Diana McNeill
3rd Place:
Huernia zebrina 'Super Z'
David Thurbon
The Other Brag Table Beauties
Cactus Novice
Jennifer Greene -
Copiapoa sp.
Joan Herskowitz -
Trichocereus pachanoi fma. cristata
Michelle Murphy -
Ephiphyllum anguliger "ZigZag Cactus"
David Thurbon -
Matucana madisoniorum
Succulent Intermediate
May Fong Ho -
Euphorbia ammak variegata
Succulent Novice
Jennifer Greene -
Aloe castilloniae (smooth form)
Jennifer Greene -
Cyphostemma juttae
Michelle Murphy -
Sansevieria cylindria patens
Michelle Murphy -
Sansevieria singularis
Patti Nelson -
Aeonium 'Mardi Gras'
David Thurbon -
Cyphostemma juttae
Jeff Wayland -
Cyphostemma juttae
Jeff Wayland -
Crassula ovata 'Ogre Ears'
If you find any error, please contact to correct.
Thank you all for the beautiful specimens!
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