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8 - 10am: Set-up, out-of-towners - bring in your plants!

9 - 10am: Sale open to members only

10am: Sale open to public, Show opens

10 - 11am: Judging - show area being judged is closed

4pm: Show and Sales Close

2018 Winter Show & Sale

Balboa Park, Casa del Prado
February 10, 2018 - 9am - 4pm

Schedule, Awards, and Rules





NOVICE (Fewer than 10 Blue Ribbons won in judged competition. Use GREEN entry cards)                                      


INTERMEDIATE (10+ Blue Ribbons won in judged competition. Use YELLOW entry cards)


OPEN (Vendors and anyone else. Use BLUE entry cards)


NON-COMPETITIVE (Open to anyone who wants to show off a plant. Use WHITE entry cards)




A hand-crafted pot and a certificate suitable for framing will be given to BEST CACTUS, BEST SUCCULENT and BEST WINTER-GROWER plants in the NOVICE, INTERMEDIATE and OPEN Levels, and to the BEST OF SHOW plant (NOVICE or INTERMEDIATE or OPEN)


First, Second, and Third Place Ribbons will be awarded in all categories for both Novice, Intermediate, and Open entrants.




1) Show is open to anyone who grows succulent plants.


2) Entries must be in the possession of exhibitors for at least six months. Plants must be clean, (no weeds or debris), healthy (no insects, disease or pesticide odor) and dry. Plant labels should be removed or hidden. Exhibitors are responsible for placing entry cards with plants prior to judging. The show committee may remove any entry that detracts from or jeopardizes the health of other entries.


3) Plants must be individually potted specimens except for the category ‘Dish Gardens.’


4) Depending on number of entries, prior to judging, the show committee may combine or divide categories and rearrange entries. The show area will be PARTIALLY closed during judging, on a section-by-section basis. Judging will be open to the public. Plants must remain until the end of the show.


5) Entries are judged on:

            a) Condition, size, maturity and difficulty of culture: 70%

            b) Staging - pot, top dressing, arrangement, cleanliness: 25%s

            c) Nomenclature: 5%

Awards are given only if the judges believe they are merited, and all decisions are final.


6) The SDCSS and show committee will take due care to safeguard entries but cannot be held responsible for damage to, or loss of, plants and property.

2017 Best Winter Grower - Advanced

Boophone haemanthoides 

2017 Judge’s Choice

Copiapoa krainzianao

2017 Best Succulent - Novice

Haworthia retusa v.


8am - 10am

9am - 10am



10am - 11am


Set-up, out-of-towners - bring in your plants!

Sale open to members only

Sale open to public

Show opens

Judging - show area being judged is closed

Show and Sales Close

12pm - 10pm: Set-up

2pm - 9:30pm: Bring in your show plants

12pm - 10pm

2pm - 9:30pm


Bring in your show plants

Copyright © 2025

The San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society

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