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January 2021: Virtual Brag Table Results
Submit to next month’s brag table for boasting rights, judge feedback, and club bucks!
Just send in your name, your plant’s scientific name, a photo, your category (cacti or succulent, up to 2 plants per category) and your rank (novice= <10 wins, intermediate= 10+ wins, advanced= pro grower) by Feb 20th, 2021.
To enter, email your entries with the subject line “Brag Table” to the editor at:
Special Thanks:
For showing your beautiful specimens!
Don Hunt as digital plant arbiter / commenter!
35 Specimens: 12 cactus & 23 succulents
18 Members
Cactus Advanced
1st Place:
Ariocarpus confusus
Mike Burkhardt
"Maybe a novice grower, but not a novice plant. Time to move up."
2nd Place:
Gymnocalycium saglionis
Pam Badger
"Clean Gymos are not normal"
3rd Place:
Opuntia sulfurea
Pam Badger
"Grow this plant hard or it will get crazy fat for an opuntia"
Turbinicarpus schwarzii v. rubriflorus
Mike Burkhardt
"Large clean flowering example of a great small cactus"
Cactus Intermediate
1st Place:
Cephalocereus senilis
Antonina Lansangan
"Very nice plan. Not a fan of the pot, would be great with staging"
2nd Place:
Cereus peruvianus monstrose
Norb Roden
"Good specimen give it some time"
3rd Place:
Cereus forbesii monstrose
Norb Roden
"What nice form. This plan will look better and better"
Cactus Novice
1st Place:
Mammillaria camptotricha
Allan Kosup
"Beautiful happy plant"
1st Place:
Mammillaria sp.
Lila Wagar
"I like Mammillaria for the spines, but the flowers are good too"
2nd Place:
Copiapoa solaris
Ruth Contino
"Excellent plant, so slow. Nice form"
3rd Place:
Mammillaria longimamma
Eileen Mandell
"Really like the total presentation. Nice arrangement"
3rd Place:
Melocactus matanzanus
Eileen Mandell
"Just starting the cephalum"
Mammillaria spp
Linda Stewart
"I really like this cactus with the black straight spines and the ring of pink flowers. If I knew for sure what it was, I'd look to add it to my collection"
Succulent Advanced
1st Place:
Euphorbia atroviridis
Mike Nelson
"Always a big fan of medusas. Excellent species form"
2nd Place:
Massonia depressa
Candy Garner
"I like the genera, I need one I think"
3rd Place:
Aloinopsis schooneesii
Mike Burkhardt
"Perfect presentation. I need one now"
Euphorbia francoisii
Pam Badger
"So variable. Every collection needs a fransoisii or several"
Caralluma russeliana
Don Hunt (not judged)
"Floral ball a full 3 inches in Diameter" (dishonorable mention for stinking up my grow for 2 weeks)
Marlothistella uniondelensis
Candy Gaarner
"Nicely grown, needs full sun and has a large underground rootstock"
Sansevieria patens
Pam Badger
"From the immortal Sansevieria group. Green swords and spears"
Euphorbia Clavigera
Mike Burkhardt
"Nice caudex"
Succulent Intermediate
1st Place:
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi
reverse variegation
Pauline Wong
"Verry pretty plant"
2nd Place:
Echeveria pulodonis crested
Pauline Wong
"Nice form, very tight"
3rd Place:
Aeonium with green flowers, crested
Antonina Lansangan
"So weird, so great"
Aloe Barbadensis 'Safari Rose'
Tom Biggart
"Kew book says barbadensis is A. vera, but this doesn't look right to me"
Euphorbia francoisii
Norb Roden
"Young plant, good start."
Mestoklema tuberosum
Allen Clark
"Natural bonsai, always looks good
Tylecodon cacalioides
Allen Clark
"Leaning into the sun"
Succulent Novice
1st Place:
Dioscorea elephantipes
Allan Kosup
"Such a strange plant, love it"
2nd Place:
Aloe "Pink Blush"
Patti Nelson
"I like the aloe hybrids when presented like this"
2nd Place:
Dioscorea elephantipes
Eileen Mandell
"Good presentation of the vine"
2nd Place:
Epiphylum anguliger
Joan Herskowitz
"Almost in bloom, interesting foliage"
3rd Place:
Fenestraria rhopalophylla
Eileen Mandell
"Happy plant :)"
3rd Place:
Fenestraria rhopalophylla
Joan Herskowitz
"I see that plastic pot. Acceptable presentation"
3rd Place:
Lithops marmorata
Kathy Moser & Hector Perez
"This cono needs a new pot. Growing well where it is though"
If you find any error, please contact to correct.
Thank you all for the beautiful specimens!
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