Membership Application or Update
To JOIN our club for the first time or make CHANGES to your membership info, fill out the Membership Application Form below and click Submit. If you are JOINING, please click the link that appears in the confirmation window to proceed to PAYMENT. If you are an existing member and would like to renew your membership, or make another type of purchase, click here to proceed directly to the PAYMENT page.
PLEASE NOTE FOR SUMMER 2024 SHOW: Be sure to have your membership card, which is now sent via email, handy for entrance to the summer sale during the member-only shopping window. You can show it on your phone, or print it out and bring a hard copy. If you renew the morning of the sale, be prepared to show your PayPal receipt. If you have misplaced the email with your membership card(s), email the membership chair at membership@sdcss.net for a replacement. There is no charge for a new electronic card but try to do this early since, as you can imagine, there will be a surge in new members and renewals. Check the top of your latest SDCSS email for when your membership expires and renew if your dues are up. You can add additional members to your membership for $5 per person if you have not already. If you have questions about the status of any additional members, email the membership chair.