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Coffee in the Garden

We are excited to host our garden party again! As many of you know, we removed a swimming pool and pond over a year ago and added large raised planters. We hope you will come and see how the succulents and cacti have grown since then, as they appear to like the crushed lava that composes much of the planting mix. The planters include a large collection of Mesembs, Haworthias, Gasterias, miniature Agaves, and other succulents on the smaller side. Most have appreciated being liberated from the pots they had been in for quite some time. For example, a Caesalpinia cacalaco that had been 6” for many years is now well over 6’ tall. We’ve enjoyed being able to see the smaller succulents at a height easier to observe them and have recently added three more planters, one of which is primarily composed of cacti. As always, January promises to be a peak aloe bloom time with newer varieties blooming each year which we anticipate as eagerly as a child waiting for a beloved holiday to arrive.

This year, we are excited to have a special vendor that has awesome plants, many of which you will find in our gardens. James Chambers, owner of Rocksmith Nursery in Valley Center, California, has been an avid plant grower for over 25 years and has specialized in Sansevierias, Aloes, Agaves, and other rare succulents. The nursery currently has a large assortment of rare and unusual varieties of Sansevierias with natural habitats ranging from South Africa to Ethiopia. Unlike the usual selection of Sansevieria trifasciata, commonly known as the “Snake Plant” or “Mother-in-law’s Tongue”, the collection at Rocksmith Nursery focuses on many Sansevieria species that are rarely or never seen in cultivation. The Sansevieria plant forms range from tall, thin and green wispy leaves, to super blue and very thick and rigid flat fans. A diverse display of Sansevierias and other succulents will be offered for sale (cash only), and James will give two talks about Sansevierias at the event.

The event time frame has been expanded to allow for Mesembs to join the party this year, as they tend to start blooming around 1 or 2pm. We will have baked goods and appetizers as well as beverages available. Some of our propagated plants will be available for sale along with landscape sized cuttings/divisions. Since we have moved quite a few plants from pots, there will be a large number of pots for sale ranging from small to larger, both by artistic and amazing potters and some of a commercial nature. There is likely to be some garden-related items for sale and others that simply need to live at a new home. Please use cash if you are shopping.


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