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2018 Summer Show & Sale

Balboa Park, Casa del Prado
June 2 & 3, 2018

Schedule, Awards, and Rules

FRIDAY - JUNE 1, 2018

12pm - 8pm: Set-up, sales area

9am - 12:30pm: Set-up, show room

1pm - 8pm: Bring in show plants

12pm - 8pm

9am - 12:30pm

1pm - 8pm

Set-up, sales area

Set-up, show room

Bring in show plants


7am - 8:30am: Bring in show plants (out-of-town participants only)

9am - 10am: Sale open to SDCSS members only

10am - 5pm: Sale open to public

10am - 3pm: Plant show ​

Bring in show plants (out-of-town participants only)

Sale open to SDCSS members only

Sale open to public

Plant show​​

7am - 8:30am

9am - 10am

10am - 5pm

10am - 3pm​​

SUNDAY - JUNE 3, 2018

10am - 4pm: Sale open to public​

2pm: Auction

10am - 4pm


Sale open to public​



The show is open to anyone who grows succulent plants. There is no limit to the number of entries per class or the number of classes entered, though no entry can be entered in more than one class. All property shall be marked with the owner’s name, not visible to the judges. The exhibitor must have grown the plant for at least six months. 

All entries must have properly filled entry cards and must be entered in the appropriate Division and Class to be eligible for awards. Exhibitors are responsible for placing these items with their entries. For the best plant grown from seed, the exhibitors must have raised the plant themselves. Plants may be species or hybrids. Hybrids may be exhibited in the class of either parent. Grafted plants will be accepted in any class, though awards for grafts will be selected from Division IV. Read the notes below the Plant Entry Classification Schedule.

Entries must be clean, healthy, pest-free, and dry. Remove Plant Name Tags in pots (except for collections and displays). Awards must remain with exhibits until the close of the show. Classes with few entries may be combined. The show committee reserves the right to reject plants or exhibits and to readjust entries for the good of the show. Show hours must be followed. The San Diego Cactus and Succulent Society will exercise due caution in safeguarding exhibits. However, SDCSS cannot assume responsibility for loss of property. Entries are judged against perfection. The judges’ decisions are final. In the case of disputes and/or ties, the Show Chair(s) or if the Chair's plants are involved, the Head Clerk, shall make the final decision. 

TROPHIES AND PLAQUES are perpetual, except the educational and novice awards. Winners will receive a hand-crafted pot and a certificate suitable for framing. First, second and third place ribbons will be awarded in each class; however, should the judges feel that a first, second, or third place is not merited, no awards will be given. To receive the CSSA Award, two or more educational displays must be entered. Judges, Club President, and Show Chairman will each award two Rosettes to their favorite plants.



Members may submit plants to an Auction to be held Sunday, June 3 at 2pm. Entries accepted until noon Sunday. Owners may donate their plants or chose to retain 70% of the sale price. 



Condition   70%,  Staging   15%,   Size & Maturity   10%,   Nomenclature   5%



Two or more entries must be exhibited for CSSA award.  Educational Value   80%, Staging & Originality   20%.



Divisions I, II and IV, 1st-3 pts., 2nd-2 pts., 3rd-1 pt.

Division III, 1st-7 pts., 2nd-5 pts., 3rd-3 pts.

Division V, 1st-12 pts., 2nd-10 pts., 3rd-8 pts.

Division VI, no points but entries are eligible for plaques, trophies and rosettes.

Plaques and Trophies:  10 pts., Rosettes:  5 pts.



Pick them up at the May meeting or at the Show. Classes 1-116 (except for 44,105 and 108-111) are divided into two pot sizes:  A and B (A: Width plus Length = 10 inches and under; B: W+L over 10).  Note that one plant per container is allowed in these classes.



GREEN - Exhibitors that have won 10 or less blue ribbons in a recognized cactus and succulent show. 


YELLOW - Exhibitors that have won more than 10 blue ribbons. 


BLUE - For vendors and those that wish to compete against them. Awards will be selected from any category.


WHITE - For plants entered non-competitively.



Show Chair: Kelly Griffin;  Head Clerk:  Susan Hopkins;  Luncheon:  Pam Badger; Sales Chair: Chris Miller;   Sales Manager: Terry Parr


P. O. Box 33181, San Diego, California 92163-3181, is a public service and educational (nonprofit tax-exempt) organization. Your donations are graciously accepted.



Best Cactus - Phillip Corliss Plaque

Best Novice Cactus - SDCSS Plaque

Best Intermediate Cactus - Jürgen Menzel Trophy

Best Epiphytic Cactus Plant - William & Ruth Nelson Trophy

Best Mammillaria - Elibet Marshall Trophy

Best Opuntieae - James & Shirley Berry Trophy


Best Succulent - Ruby Falk Plaque

Best Novice Succulent - SDCSS Plaque

Best Intermediate Succulent - Rudy Lime Trophy

Best Agave - Doris Rake Plaque

Best Aloe - Barbara Jeppe Trophy

Best Bursera - Jeff Harris Trophy

Best Echeveria - Oliver & Sophie Loyland Trophy

Best Euphorbia - Russell & Lydia Evans Cup

Best Mesemb - Samuel & Adela Markey Trophy

Best Pelargonium or Sarcocaulon - Wilna Johnson Trophy

Best Sansevieria - Richard G. Latimer, Sr. Trophy



Best Baja Plant -  Richard G. Latimer, Jr. Memorial Trophy

Best Graft - Bob & Suzanne Taylor Trophy

Best Mexican Plant in Show - Dudley B. Gold Trophy

Best Plant Grown from Seed - Tegelberg Family Plaque

Rarest Plant in the Show - Terry & Collette Parr Trophy

Best San Diego County Succulent - Julianne Rice Trophy

Best Miniature - Monte & Mary Woodworth Plaque

Best Pachycaul or Caudiciform - H. Warren & Virginia Buckner Trophy

Best Succulent Bonsai - Rudy & Teresita Lime Trophy

People’s Choice Award -   Rose D’Attilio Memorial Plaque


Best Educational Display -  CSSA Award

Best Exhibit - Reuben Vaughan Plaque

Most Artistic Display - Walter & Hazel Scott Plaque

High Points 25 or fewer entries    SDCSS Plaque

High Points 50 or fewer entries - James & Shirley Berry Trophy

Sweepstakes Trophy - Ronald & Marcia Monroe Trophy

Copyright © 2025

The San Diego Cactus & Succulent Society

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