Join us online for our Club's
Saturday July 11th!
SDCSS Webinar, with Jeremy Spath and Kelly Griffin
Saturday, July 11th 2020 at 1:00 PM PST (US and Canada)
Join our Zoom Meeting on Saturday at the link below, check-in starts at 12:45pm:
From Kelly Griffin:
My presentation on Agaves is not my first webinar, but rather a first for SDCSS, so bear with us.....
I made a short movie interview with noted Agave aficionado, Jeremy Spath. Jeremy owns and operates a landscape company located in north county San Diego. In addition, he runs a very interesting specialist Nursery called "Hidden Agave." He has focused on this group almost exclusively, and has done much to further the interest in this wonderful group of succulents. Hopefully we can make this video work, and the information shines through the technical challenges of sound and light.
Jeremy Spath
Right before the Covid lockdown, Jeremy Spath, Julia Etter and I traveled to the Mexican state of Nayarit to explore the plants of that region and specifically to visit several spectacular Agave impressa locales. We found some tremendous things, but the adventure was (as it always seems to be), filled with twists and challenges- most notably river crossings, and rough roads with marginal vehicles!
I will share what we found on this trip and round this out with a discussion of some other really exciting new Agaves like A. gypsocola and A. albopilosa.
My presentation on Agaves is not my first webinar, but rather a first for SDCSS, so bear with us.....
I look forward to seeing you online ~ it appears that this maybe the new normal for our meetings for a while so we will discuss what's in store in the coming months!
Kelly G
Zoom Meeting details:
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