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Writer's pictureKirsten Higgins

June 2018 - President's Message

May gray is hanging out in Santee. A good day to work in the greenhouse before the sun comes out next week. The forecast looks good for sunshine the weekend of our Show and Sale. Those of us who sell are in wild production mode, and the members who show are busy cleaning up their plants. You all should walk through your collection of plants and see which ones want to show off their greatness at our Show. We have 43 vendors coming, everything from pots to plants to rocks to driftwood. Some new vendors and some old favorites will be there. We can still use some volunteers for show clerks, security, and the sales team. Be sure to bring your own box and some for other customers.

We had a great meeting in May. Jerry Garner gave a workshop on getting your plants ready for the Show. Leslie Sheridan took us on a walk-about by PowerPoint on Commercial Succulent Gardens. I remember when I joined in 1996, how excited I got to see succulent plants in someone’s yard. Now, everywhere I look there are great plants in the ground to see. Christine Vargas & Rick Bjorkland took us to Oaxaca for a look at the art and plants of that wonderful area of Mexico.

Your Board has worked very hard to prep for this Show and Sale. Bill O’Daniel with his Show & Sale check sheet has worked on the details for months, along with trophy care, ordering the ribbons, and anything else he can think of. Kelly Griffin has ordered the canopy and tables for the Sale, and set up the judges; he is finishing things off from Mexico. Christine Vargas has been doing her magic, setting up the advertising, contacting TV stations, and spreading the word. Sue Thomas Show & Sale fliers, prepping an ad at the last minute for City Beat, and a black & white so Pam Badger can print some to pass out. Russel Ray has made sure the information was in the newsletter for a few months now, and Paul Maker has printed the paperwork and forms, and has the tally program ready to go for the Show. Candy Garner has been gathering her paperwork and supplies for the information table.

This event would be impossible to do without our great volunteers. For those volunteering, please contact me if you are not on the sign-up sheet. Stop at the information desk in front of the sale area and get a badge if you are going to be there to work Saturday morning. Your name needs to be on the list if you are going to receive a badge. The Sales area will be closed to everyone except Sales volunteers and vendors until 9 am.

For all SDCSS members who plan on shopping between 9 and 10, you will need to have your membership dues current and your membership card. Candy also will have a list if you can’t find your card, but it makes everyone’s experience better if you have your card with you. You can renew your membership on line or at the table this weekend.

We will have an Auction on Sunday, and we are looking for really nice plants for it. If you have a nice plant and want to donate it, bring it in on Friday or Saturday.

I look forward to seeing you all at the Show and Sale. Tell your friends to come on Sunday. There will be lots of plants and supporting stuff still available.Our vendors will bring a lot more than they can fit on the tables, and Sunday is a quieter shopping day, plus the show will be judged Saturday afternoon, so the results will be in. See you there.

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